When it comes to fendi bag, there’s no denying that the iconic handbag by the Italian fashion house has become one of the most coveted accessory staples in our closet. Worn by everyone from A-list celebrities to it-girls like Gigi Hadid, the Baguette’s simple silhouette and detachable top handle have made it the ideal bag for fast-paced living. Not to mention that it has been reinterpreted over 1,000 ways – from leather and sequins to canvas, raffia and embroidery – making the options for wearing this bag endless.
Regardless of what fabric it’s crafted in, the classic bag has a timeless quality that allows it to adapt to changing trends. As a result, the Baguette has been featured in special collaborations with the likes of Marc Jacobs, Tiffany & Co and Sarah Jessica Parker to celebrate its 25th anniversary.
While assessing the authenticity of a secondhand bag, one of the most important things to look out for is the material. Authentic bags are always made from high-class leather and as such, they should be firm enough to stand up on their own without bending or creasing. The leather should also be soft to the touch and have a distinctive scent.
Authentic Fendi bags also feature a serial number embossed on the back of the interior leather logo tag or sewn into a corner or pocket near a seam. The number is 15 to 17 characters long and should match the serial code on the accompanying paperwork. Older Fendi bags also include a serial number embossed on the front of the paper bag tag or care booklet. fendi bag